Saturday, September 4, 2010

Post Your How-To Pieces Here

Please post your how-to pieces in the comments section below. Please read everyone's piece and comment back. We'll workshop these next week. Happy how-to-ing.


  1. First!!!

    Tips for a great first date

    By Art Lindsay

    A first date can be nerve-racking, intimidating, and a complete nightmare if you let it. Chilvelry is not dead! Be prepared and confident and things will go your way. Some of these suggestions are obvious, but if you follow them you will have a good first date.

    Look good, smell good, and feel good. Don’t be a slob. If you look like a fool the date will be over in the first minute in a woman’s mind.
    Show up on time. Being early says you’re too eger. Being late shows says you’re lazy and need work.
    Make decisions on the fly. If she shows up to the door heels and a skirt, expect to open doors. If it’s a Hoodie and Chucks night the date is going to be a little more laid back.
    A gentleman always pays. Don’t be cheap, especially on a first date.
    Know where you’re going. A woman wants a man who can make decisions for themselves. Find a place that’s appropriate before the date. Something formal? Tapas and drinks. A casual meeting? An independent coffee hose would be just perfect.
    Keep good conversation. Stay away from touchy subjects like politics. Music, pop-culture, class, and sports are good topics for convo. Silence is ok, but if she starts too look around the room or at her phone, it’s time to keep the convo moving.
    Don’t be too into her. Many men think that girls don’t like nice guys. This isn’t true, they just don’t like pushovers. It’s ok to disagree. Some friendly debate is always great to keep good convo going and both people engaged in what’s going on.
    Be prepared for the unexpected. Have an emergency pack incase of accidents. Always have a bag with some stain remover, gum, and anti gas medicine in your car or pocket.
    Don’t be a drunken buffoon. Limit yourself to three drinks at the most. If you’re feeling buzzed and still have a drink in your hand, you’ve already had too much.
    Be yourself. Don’t try to make yourself out to be something you’re not. The truth will come out eventually, and hell hath no fury like a woman’s scorn.
    Will you make the move? Don’t be over zealous. If things go well you’ll have more chances at magic. A discreet kiss or hug is the line you should draw to show respect for yourself and her. Just be aware that if three dates go by with out you making the more, you will be relegated to the dreaded friend category.
    The days after. Always wait at least a day for a follow up call. It build suspense (which women love) and doesn’t make you seem overly eager to proceed into something more.
    By following these rules you will greatly increase your chances for a second date. You’ve done all you can, now the ball is in her court. Now go get em’ you stud!!!

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  4. How to Jerk
    By: Patrick McGraw
    Dancing is the oldest form of celebration. The disciples and apostles, according to the bible, danced in times of rejoice. Now it has evolved into a whole new form of celebration. There are many new forms of music, thus many new forms of dance. To keep up with the ever growing revolution of movement and to simply look fresh in the club, I have learned the newest type of dance; the Jerk or Jerkin.
    According to FZ’s Swag Workshop Video, these are the most current Jerk moves:
    The Jerk- While bending your knees with your body in a low to moderately upright position, you move your knees inside and out in a rhythmic flow according to the beat you hear.
    The Dog Jerk- With one hand on the ground behind you with your body in a leaned back position, you stick one leg out and again bend the other knee and “swag” or flow back and forth accordingly to the music you hear.
    The Stripper Jerk- Apparently the rarest jerk of all, but in my opinion the easiest. You put both hands on the ground in a push-up position. Arch your butt up high in the air and as you slightly begin to flex your arms, as if you were going to do a full pushup, you swing your knees inside and out, once again, and repeat this motion.
    The Half dip- You simply put both legs together and bend your knees at a slight angle and then take a couple steps. Then bend your knees again and take a couple steps.
    The Full Dip- Similar to the half dip, but in this dip you bend your knees at a much larger angle, as if you were a lifter and going to do a squat. Then you pop out of this dip by swinging your left leg back, landing on your toes, and right leg forward, landing on your heels.
    The Reject- If you know how to skip well, this is your jerk. Start with your dominant foot flat and forward while bringing raising your other leg behind you to an approximately a 45 degree angle. Then you hop out of it and land on your back foot. Then to repeat the process but on the other leg you landed on.
    The Pin Drop/Baydrop- You bring your dominant foot back at a 45 degree angle. To complete the move you bring that leg and hug it against the inside of your knee and drop to the floor. You must land on the foot of the knee that you raised and tucked inside of your knee so you can pop and spin out. The biggest rule of this move is that you must always fall FORWARD.
    Now that you have the moves, go test them out. The ladies will love it and so will you. Watch out Dougie!

  5. How to Survive Being Video Game Addicts’ Girlfriend

    By Lauren McCloskey
    A simple Google search proves that men prefer playing video games rather than spending time with their girlfriends. Guys will sit in front of a television screen, eat countless family size bags of Cool Ranch Doritos and play video games for hours; even days if they get the opportunity. Girlfriends around the world, realize there are ways to turn this obsession into quality bonding time.
    Understand that game time is his alone time, his ‘me’ time. If he lets you hang out while he plays the game, watch it. Do not get aggravated or irritated that nearly all of his attention is on the game. Do not nag or complain to him about boredom or annoyance. Do not bring a novel to read nor play on your cell phone. Instead, be interested and get into the game. Ask questions; root for him! Technically he is not playing a sport but it is still a skill that requires practice and repetition.
    When you are ready, ask him to let you play the game, too. The controller can appear intimidating the first time you hold it but have no fear. All games offer a tutorial mode or a walk through at the start of the game. These help the player learn the buttons on the controller and objectives for each level. If you still need help, get him involved. This is the perfect opportunity to create quality bonding time. Not only can he teach a hobby he enjoys but now there is another common interest to discuss.
    Do not worry if you cannot play the game as well as he can. Remember, this is what he does in his spare time and the exact same thing he does with his friends. He lives to play whereas you play to get closer to him.
    Take some time and research different gaming consoles and game genres. If your boyfriend is in the 21-25 age range, his video game knowledge stretches as far back as the original Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), Sega Genesis, Super Nintendo, etc.
    Video game genres are also diverse. There are fighter style games like Street Fighter, first-person shooters such as, Call of Duty, strategy, racing and the most famous, role-playing games (RPGs).
    RPGs are the most well known genre of video games. If you can recognize the plumber Mario or the pink puff, Kirby, you are looking at main characters from two high selling role-playing games.
    Finally, find out about new releases, game trailers and cheats. Knowing little details such as these can impress him. Websites like, GameSpot, GameTrailers and IGN have all the information a video game wants to know. Plus, these sites make it easier to find birthday and Christmas gifts for him.
    Video games are not created equal, so be confident and try them all. Some healthy competition can always help strengthen your relationship. Go on, as Peppy says in Star Fox 64, do a barrel roll!

  6. How to Survive Being Video Game Addicts’ Girlfriend

    By Lauren McCloskey
    A simple Google search proves that men prefer playing video games rather than spending time with their girlfriends. Guys will sit in front of a television screen, eat countless family size bags of Cool Ranch Doritos and play video games for hours; even days if they get the opportunity. Girlfriends around the world, realize there are ways to turn this obsession into quality bonding time.
    Understand that game time is his alone time, his ‘me’ time. If he lets you hang out while he plays the game, watch it. Do not get aggravated or irritated that nearly all of his attention is on the game. Do not nag or complain to him about boredom or annoyance. Do not bring a novel to read nor play on your cell phone. Instead, be interested and get into the game. Ask questions; root for him! Technically he is not playing a sport but it is still a skill that requires practice and repetition.
    When you are ready, ask him to let you play the game, too. The controller can appear intimidating the first time you hold it but have no fear. All games offer a tutorial mode or a walk through at the start of the game. These help the player learn the buttons on the controller and objectives for each level. If you still need help, get him involved. This is the perfect opportunity to create quality bonding time. Not only can he teach a hobby he enjoys but now there is another common interest to discuss.
    Do not worry if you cannot play the game as well as he can. Remember, this is what he does in his spare time and the exact same thing he does with his friends. He lives to play whereas you play to get closer to him.
    Take some time and research different gaming consoles and game genres. If your boyfriend is in the 21-25 age range, his video game knowledge stretches as far back as the original Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), Sega Genesis, Super Nintendo, etc.
    Video game genres are also diverse. There are fighter style games like Street Fighter, first-person shooters such as, Call of Duty, strategy, racing and the most famous, role-playing games (RPGs).
    RPGs are the most well known genre of video games. If you can recognize the plumber Mario or the pink puff, Kirby, you are looking at main characters from two high selling role-playing games.
    Finally, find out about new releases, game trailers and cheats. Knowing little details such as these can impress him. Websites like, GameSpot, GameTrailers and IGN have all the information a video game wants to know. Plus, these sites make it easier to find birthday and Christmas gifts for him.
    Video games are not created equal, so be confident and try them all. Some healthy competition can always help strengthen your relationship. Go on, as Peppy says in Star Fox 64, do a barrel roll!

  7. How to Survive Being Video Game Addicts’ Girlfriend

    By Lauren McCloskey
    A simple Google search proves that men prefer playing video games rather than spending time with their girlfriends. Guys will sit in front of a television screen, eat countless family size bags of Cool Ranch Doritos and play video games for hours; even days if they get the opportunity. Girlfriends around the world, realize there are ways to turn this obsession into quality bonding time.
    Understand that game time is his alone time, his ‘me’ time. If he lets you hang out while he plays the game, watch it. Do not get aggravated or irritated that nearly all of his attention is on the game. Do not nag or complain to him about boredom or annoyance. Do not bring a novel to read nor play on your cell phone. Instead, be interested and get into the game. Ask questions; root for him! Technically he is not playing a sport but it is still a skill that requires practice and repetition.
    When you are ready, ask him to let you play the game, too. The controller can appear intimidating the first time you hold it but have no fear. All games offer a tutorial mode or a walk through at the start of the game. These help the player learn the buttons on the controller and objectives for each level. If you still need help, get him involved. This is the perfect opportunity to create quality bonding time. Not only can he teach a hobby he enjoys but now there is another common interest to discuss.
    Do not worry if you cannot play the game as well as he can. Remember, this is what he does in his spare time and the exact same thing he does with his friends. He lives to play whereas you play to get closer to him.
    Take some time and research different gaming consoles and game genres. If your boyfriend is in the 21-25 age range, his video game knowledge stretches as far back as the original Nintendo Entertainment System (NES), Sega Genesis, Super Nintendo, etc.
    Video game genres are also diverse. There are fighter style games like Street Fighter, first-person shooters such as, Call of Duty, strategy, racing and the most famous, role-playing games (RPGs).
    RPGs are the most well known genre of video games. If you can recognize the plumber Mario or the pink puff, Kirby, you are looking at main characters from two high selling role-playing games.
    Finally, find out about new releases, game trailers and cheats. Knowing little details such as these can impress him. Websites like, GameSpot, GameTrailers and IGN have all the information a video game wants to know. Plus, these sites make it easier to find birthday and Christmas gifts for him.
    Video games are not created equal, so be confident and try them all. Some healthy competition can always help strengthen your relationship. Go on, as Peppy says in Star Fox 64, do a barrel roll!

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  9. Matthew Wukovich

    How to Assignment



    How to Throw a Football Party

    Now that summer is coming to an end, everyone is looking for ways to
    gather socially with the fall and winter months upon us. But what event
    could possibly bring people together during this time of the year?
    That’s easy. Nothing can bring people together quite like a football
    game can.

    Whether you are in high school or you have kids in high school, nothing
    can launch you back on top in the social circuit quite like a good
    football party can. With these few simple steps, you will be well on
    your way to throwing a party on game day that people will enjoy.

    1. Make a list of people to invite. It’s important to get organized
    and plan out who to invite. It’s important to make sure all of these
    people are familiar and get along. After all, a football party atmosphere
    should be fun and loose. Most people do not want to have the tension of
    meeting new people while an important game is on television.

    2. Decorate the house. A couple football decorations never hurt anyone,
    and it certainly will boost the atmosphere of your party. Football
    decorations can be found at a party store in the area. Football table
    cloths, lights, and posters are all good ways to start preparing your

    3. Prepare the menu. Let’s be honest, when someone you hear the word
    “party”, you immediately think of the snacks. So where should you begin?
    Well of course you need the essentials which are chips, dip, and soda.
    From there, it’s all up to you. Pizza, hoagies, and wings are all good
    ideas for a main course. Also, it’s important to consider getting a
    veggie tray for those guests who are trying to eat healthy.

    4. Prepare the television placement. If you have a big screen
    television, then you are ready good to go. If you have a small tv, make
    sure that it is in a place where all of your guests will be able to see
    comfortably. Check out your seating arraignments to make sure that no
    person will be blocking another person’s line of sight.

    5. Dress the part. If you don’t have a jersey, no one is going to take
    you seriously. And if you don’t have the jersey of the team you are
    rooting for, you will be considered a joke amongst your peers. If you
    don’t have one, go out and get a shirt or jersey for the team you will be
    rooting for.

    With all of these steps, you will be well on your way to planning a party
    that everyone will enjoy. Above all, have fun with this. It’s football
    and it’s a good excuse to get together and have a good time with your
    friends. Use these steps, and you’ll have a blast.

  10. Cupcakes are in the eye of the beholder!
    By Melissa Marullo

    Halloween is a time for witches, ghosts, monsters, and in some cases, princesses, Iron Man, and Hannah Montana. No matter what your children or friends dress up as, cupcakes can make any vampire or bumble bee melt like the candy they collect. With the help of Wilton (, I have produced a step-by-step instruction on how to decorate eye-popping cupcakes to fit the Halloween season. Eye promise you these are easy and fun for everyone!

    What you'll need:
    - Cupcakes (already baked)
    - white decorating icing
    - black decorating icing (or just dye your extra white!)
    - number 7 cake decorating tip
    - cake decorating bags or regular ziplock bags
    - Lifesaver Gummies
    - Red piping gel or icing writer

    Step 1: Cover the cupcakes in white icing so it looks rounded at the top.

    Step 2: Place any color Lifesaver in the middle of each cupcake.

    Step 3: Put black icing inside the decorating bag with the number 7 tip. If you don't have decorating bags, Ziplock bags work great! Put the icing at the bottom corner of the bag and zip it shut. Then twist the bag so the icing is trapped in the corner. Cut the tip of the bag, and you have just made your own decorating bag!

    Step 4: Dab black icing in the center of the Lifesaver to make the pupil. Sometimes you need to put icing on the actual gummy in order for the pupil to be big enough.

    Step 5: Finally, take red piping gel or writing icing and make vein lines going from the Lifesaver until the end of the cupcake. You can make as many as you want and as squiggly as you want in order to have more or less bloodshot eyes.

    That is all there is to it! With this cupcake idea, your decorating skills and the bellies of your friends and family will surely meet eye-to-eye!
