Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Schedule for Long Pieces

Today we'll be going over how to write a query for your long piece. At this point, you should have much of your basic research well underway. You should have a good idea of your angle and your story's hook. You should know which magazine(s) you'll be pitching to and what audience you're writing for, and you should know how your piece will fit into the commercial landscape/market.



Tuesday, Nov. 16 -- Query letter due (hard and e- copies to class)
Tuesday, Nov. 23 -- Sidebar to long piece due (hard and e- copies)
Tuesday, Nov. 30 -- First draft of full piece due in class (hard and e- copies)
Tuesday, Dec. 7 and Thursday, Dec. 9 -- Workshop of second drafts (hard and e-copies)
Final pieces due by 5 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 16

Your long pieces will be heavily weighted in your grade for the course. I'll be looking for the following things, among others:

* Technical proficiency
* Good sense of audience/demographic
* Evidence of knowledge of the marketplace (hook, comparison pieces, etc.)
* Good background research
* Effective and thorough use of sources
* Fresh angle
* Basic AP Style

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